"How cool is that?" I thought. What a great example he set. I hope I can live up to that - it's the attitude I want to have every day whether I'm doing my job, being a gracious guest to another country or just trying to be a good human being - I want to hold that same pure intention of benevolence and service.
“Thanks again!" I yelled after him. "By the way, what’s your name?”
“Anthony! " he called back. " You are very welcome sir!” and ran off to do his next good deed on the beach. Very cool. People like that should get more credit.
On a daily basis I’ve been amazed how cool and friendly the people in the Philippines are, but my new brother, Anthony, definitely earned some shine. I only have two weeks left here but I’ll be sure to go find him one day, and the other lifeguards, to buy them lunch and take a picture with them or something. But if that doesn’t happen for some reason, if our paths never cross, I want acknowledge him with a bow of my own, another "salamat po," and let him know that I’ll pass it on.
Update - I ran into Anthony by the beach today and thanked him and took this photo with him. He was still humble and diffusive as ever! Feel free to add him as a friend on Facebook and thank him for being a great guy and an amazing lifeguard, too.