Author: Dale Carnegie
Published in the post-Great Depression days of 1936, Dale Carnegie’s classic about connecting with other human beings on a deeper and more substantial level is still as relevant today. Not wonder why one of the first self-help books ever published has sold 30 million copies around the world, making it to the top twenty of Time Magazine's 100 most influential books.

Author: Napoleon Hill
Another instant self-help classic from the Depression era, Napolean Hill spent decades studying and interviewing the richest and most successful people in America like Andrew Carnegie. The result is this book, where he shares his 13 guiding principles they all have in common. Think And Grow Rich has sold more than 100 million copies to date, with BusinessWeek magazine naming it the sixth best-selling business book of all time

Author: Stephen Covey
This business empowerment book was first published in 1988 by Stephen Covey and went on to historic success. In total, it sold more than 25 million copies worldwide, and the audiobook version was the first of its kind to sell over one million copies. Covey talks about the seven principles of character, ethics, morality, alignment with your true purpose and more.

Author: Richard Carlson
This little tome that helps people make big changes in their lives was published in 1997, the first of its kind to speak about the mind clutter, anxiety, and high stress inherent with our modern, digital, and connected society. It’s still a fun and ever-helpful read for those who want to refocus and feel balanced again

Author: Anthony Robbins
In the 1990s and early 2000s, the name Tony Robbins was synonymous with motivational gurus, as he took the world by storm with his energetic and powerful speeches, seminars, books, and appearances. Awaken the Giant Within is his most successful to date, launching him onto the Worth Magazine Power 100 list of wealthiest people in America.

Author: Norman Vincent Peale
When Dr. Peale wrote this book in 1952, the idea of positive thinking being able to influence our environment and circumstances was seen as heresy. But it turns out that he was right, and his critics were all wrong, and this book helped set off the modern self-help movement.

Author: Malcolm Gladwell
Gladwell goes in depth about the power and relevance of following our intuition in this 2005 book, mixing scientific data and behavioral psychology with the unconscious, inherent in human beings since the beginning of time

Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
While this book by little-known author Don Ruiz “only” sold 5.2 million copies, it’s a cult classic among his readers and followers, even sparking a trend where people actually got these four agreements tattooed on their bodies! It’s also been translated into 38 languages and featured on the Oprah show.

Author: Dan Milman
This part fiction/part self-help book/part autobiography is truly one of a kind, and the one on the list that was made into a movie. First released in 1980, it actually was met with abysmal sales, but was rereleased years later and exploded in popularity.

Author: Deepak Chopra
The iconic Deepak Chopra astounds with his unveiling of universal truths in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams. Published in 1994, it's not a big book but has a monumental impact on anyone lucky enough to pick it up and read it - including me,