-Peter Westbrook
I'm a huge geek for culture. To me, that's the vital essence of a place - the well-mixed stew of its people; its customs; its workaday street language; its food and architecture and music; and definitely, its history.
Therefore, having lived in Tamarindo, Costa Rica at two separate stints in my life ten years apart, I was shocked at how little has been documented and preserved from days past.
All-to-soon, the only Tamarindo history left will be the mumbled barroom stories of a few salty dog expats or rocking chair recollections from Tico elders (sadly, who don't even live in Tamarindo anymore). And once they are gone, Tamarindo's cultural heritage will be reduced to pure vida t-shirts and Instagram photos.
That would really be a shame, so I endeavored to collect as many old photos of Tamarindo as I could find and share them here.
Of course, the terms "old" or "historic" are relative in Tama, especially with photographic documentation. Even snapshots from the 1990s are increasingly rare.
However, I do feel this is a good start.
Have fun looking through these photos and please drop me a line if you have any of your own or recognize the people, place, and timeline of the photos I've shared here.
Your friend,
-Norm. :-)
But it is pretty fun to look through and guess!
If you have any information on these photos, just email me and I'll add it!
I'm sure a lot of you older-timers will recognize the places and even people, so hit me up if you have any comments or feedback!
If you have any old photos, videos, or even documents that shine a light on Tamarindo's history, please share them with me here. I'll post them with your permission and give you full credit.
Thanks and pura vida!
-Norm. :-)