2. As you travel, you’ll meet so many strange people who talk, dress, eat, play, and worship different than you’re used to. Then again, they’ll think the same about you.
3. You’ll probably have to disconnect from technology - letting your calls go to voicemail, putting down your smart phone, and logging off social media.
4. This will make it necessary to interact with actual real live human beings with alarming frequency. These interactions won’t just be a quick “hello” in line at a store or a word in passing at the office; you’ll have to sit down next to complete strangers and carry a whole genuine conversation for hours.
5. Everything is new, different, and uncomfortable when you travel. A lot of what you see and experience might force you to recalibrate your whole belief system.
6. You’ll have to face your fears at some point…like every single day.

8. You’ll have to think long and hard about what you want out of your short time on this planet. Once you get back home, you might not want to settle for your same normal life and this could lead to all sorts of unsettling changes.
9. You’ll have far less to complain about after traveling. In fact, most of your problems won’t seem like real problems any more.
10. You’ll realize that most of the material shit you’ve accumulated isn’t needed at all, and in fact is holding you back.
11. There will be way too many new friends from all over the globe who want to keep in touch. It takes a lot of time to maintain all those friendships. They might even want to visit you, and invite you to visit their home countries!

13. You won’t always feel safe. It’s frightening to discover that safety is mostly a myth that we create in our own minds.
14. Traveling will teach you that time is both an undefeatable opponent and your biggest ally.
15. Your ego will be shattered when you realize you’re not special and in fact, you’re pretty damn insignificant. Traveling will provide clarity that the only things that matter in life are how you treat people and if you leave the world better than you found it.
- Norm :-)