2. India has far more cell phones than toilets.
3. Sex toys are still illegal in India.
4. The world's largest family unit – a man and his 39 wives and 94 children – live together in India.
5. In one state in India, police officers are given a pay upgrade if they have moustaches.
6. The highest temperature ever recorded in India was 123.1 °F in Alwar, Rajasthan, while the lowest was -49 °F in Dras, Ladakh.

8. Elections are a massive production in India, so rife with corruption and controversy, drama and political theater that people actually come to the country to experience it, the only place in the world with an Election Tourism industry.
9. In big elections, voters' fingers are marked with a special ink to make sure they vote only once.
10. In the parliamentary election in 2009 there it was mandated that there should be a place to vote within 2km of every single person in the country. It ended up there were 830,866 polling stations in all. According to the rule there was a polling station in the remote part of the western state of Gujarat that had a single voter, a temple caretaker.
11. There were 1,032 candidates or the Modakurichi assembly seat in the Tamil Nadu state elections in 1996, a world record for most candidates for a single constituency. 88 of those candidates did not get a single vote.

13. The stats about roadway fatalities in India are even more grim: 37% of all road deaths are pedestrians who were hit, 28% cyclists and motorcyclists, and 55% of all deaths occur within five minutes of the accident.
14. There’s a village in India, called Shani Shingnapur, where no houses or structures have doors and nothing is locked up. Even shops are left wide open and nothing of value is kept secured. However, there has never been a reported theft in the history of the village, and they believe they’re protected by God.
15. India actually developed a rocket and launched it into outer space. So how did the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) transport the rocket to the launch site? With a series of bicycles.

17. At least 50% of the outsourced IT services in the world come from India.
18. They wear white at funerals in India instead of black, most common in other countries.
19. India has a national obsession with breaking records. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, India ranks third behind the USA and the UK in the number of records claimed each year, though they have many other record books they fill up.
20. Cherrapunji in India is the wettest spot on earth, receiving 425 inches of rain every year, more than 5 times as much as the tropical rain forests in South America.

22. The largest current slave population in the world resides in India, with over 14 million people forced to work for no wages or against their will every day.
23. The city of Mumbai is so overpopulated and congested, that the government set out to solve the problem by building a second, parallel city right next to it. Navi Mumbai was developed in 1972 and remains the largest planned township in the history of the world.
24. One Indian family has 31 doctors in in it. Known as “the doctor family”, they have 7 physicians, 5 gynecologists, 3 ophthalmologists, 3 ENT specialists, psychiatrists, pathologists, neurologists, an orthopedist and one urologist.

26. The Indian roadways are notorious for being crazy and dangerous. In fact, there are an average of 2000,000 reported road deaths every year in India, the most in the world.
27. India has the most vegetarians of anywhere in the world.
28. Most Indians still eat the traditional way, with their fingers and the help of bread-like rotis or chapattis to scoop the food up.
29. India has the world’s largest Montessori school, with over 26,000 students in one location.
30. 61% of school children in India have germs or bacteria on their hands that can cause serious diseases.

32. It's illegal to carry Indian currency (Rupees) out of the country.
33. The Kumbh Mela Festival is the world's biggest gathering, with over 100 million people in attendance every time it commences.
34. The typical person in India would have to work at least 6 hours just to buy a McDonalds Big Mac.
35. India is home to the most languages in the world. The 1961 census of India documented 1,652 languages in use in the country at that time.
36. There are more than one million Indian millionaires, behind only the U.S., Japan, and about tied with China.

38. India is home to the largest film production industry in the world, with more than 1,100 movies made each year. That’s slightly ahead of Nigeria, twice as many as the U.S., and ten times the amount of films made in Britain.
39. You’ve heard of the Great Wall of China, but did you know there is a Great Wall of India? Kumbhalgarh Fort in Rajasthan has a wall that goes on for 36 km, the second longest in the world behind only the one in China.
40. There is a special post office in India where you can send letters to God, open for business only three months during pilgrimages and religious festivals. Most of the letters they receive ask for blessings for weddings or business openings, though they do receive a large amount of wallets that thieves lift, remove the cash, and return the wallet to the "God post office" as atonement.

42. India was the only place on earth diamonds were officially found until 1986, when they were discovered in Africa and several other countries.
43. Despite it’s huge landmass, all of India is in one time zone. But it does differ from a ½ hour from neighboring countries and international time standards, making things complicated. So when it’s 6:30pm in India it’s 8am in New York.
44. Complicated surgeries and operations were performed over 2,600 years ago in India.

46. The Kodinhi village in the southern state of Kerala is known internationally as “Twin Town” because it produces such an alarming rate of twins.
47. We know that Indian people love animals, but taking it one step further, there’s an elephant spa, the Punnathoor Cotta Elephant Yard Rejuvenation Centre in Kerala, where the majestic animals receive the royal treatment.
48. The Indian prime minister elect, Narendra Modi, went to the U.S. to take a three-month course on public relations and image management. It must have worked, because he was one of the most popular Indian leaders in memory.
49. An elaborate wedding in Bengaluru was called off when the bride’s family served the groom’s family chicken biryani instead of mutton biryani. Although biryani is the typical wedding dish, the lack of the correct meat source was seen as an offensive slight that led to a big fight, and the cancellation of the nuptials.
50. Since so many Indians speak English as their second language, India now has the most English speakers in the world, ahead of even the U.S. or the U.K.